Add Security With Sliding Glass Door Security

 Providing security to a has it difficulties, because the door is made of glass and the frame usually is made of aluminum. A sliding door is the easiest and quickest way for an intruder to enter a home.


• Dual function door and patio security bar - This bar is a multi-task item. To secure a sliding door, the bar has a removal pin. The pin can be pushed in or out. Push pin in to insert between door jam and wall of sliding door. Release pin to secure door. The bar is made of steel and can be used at home or during travel. No special tools or installation needed. The bar should hold under one-thousand pounds of pressure without bending. Price starts at $18.00

• Telescopic Aluminum Bar - Namesake comes from being the sliding up and down capability of the bar that is similar to a telescope. The bar has a dual concept it provide security inside and outside sliding doors. Installation is required. The installation is easy. Price starts at $18.00

• Sliding Bolt Lock - Can be used on both wood and aluminum sliding doors. The lock is versatile, so it can be placed on left or right sliding door openings. It is best to buy the kit if offered. The package will assure everything will fit properly. Price starts at $15.99

• Door Brace Security Bar - This bar has a rubber grip foot to prevent scratches and mars on floor. It is made of heavy duty steel. Folds easily and is portable. Small investment for a large amount of security. Price starts at $7.00

• Charley Bar - Sometimes used to describe a sliding door security bar. Works on the same bar principle. The bar typically fit doors from 36 to 48 inches. Install easily by drilling a holes in the door frame and using the screws that come with the kit. Unlike the other bars, this bar is placed in the middle of the door. The door opens easily by pushing up on it. This is the ideal for those who have a hard time bending. The price starts at $30.00.

• Screws - One inexpensive method is to use 3" or longer screws. This will make it more difficult to attain entry if the frame of the door is compromised. Price starts at least than $.90

• Cut Shrubbery - Cut down or clear bushes or plants that cover the entry way to the patio door. It may allow neighbors or passerby to observe an intruder. Price depends on landscaper fee.

• Plastic Film - This film is built into them glass similar to the mesh that makes bullet proof glass bullet proof. Price is costly and only a few manufacturers make this item. Check yellow pages.

• Wood - Wedging a piece of sturdy wood between the frame and door jam will provide security. Place the wood in the door track so the door cannot slide open. Free if scrape or a limb from a tree.

No matter how much money is spent on securing a sliding glass patio door, it only works if everyone remember to close the door and lock it.


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